Monday, September 30, 2013

First Hausa Wedding!

Sannuda Aiki (Good Work!) 

Where the bride sits during the party
I was able to go to, part, of a Hausa Wedding! There are many different sections to a Hausa wedding, and I haven't quite figured out how it works. I went to the bride's party, where only women are allowed to attend. There were hundreds of people who came to her parent's house, lots of food and great music. The groom is one of my co-workers.
On the way!

Some of the women at the bride's party

The bride!

The bride
I tried to "smile with my eyes"

One of the popular Northern Nigerian fabrics
I went to a club! 
I had a blast. They played a lot of Nigerian hits and American jams

Testing out the color

Gold from Dubai at the Sabongari Market. 311,000 Naira (over 1,000 USD)

One of my co-workers! 
It's 100 every day

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